Blazor WebAssembly

Learn about Sentry's .NET integration with Blazor WebAssembly.

Sentry provides an integration with Blazor WebAssembly through the Sentry.AspNetCore.Blazor.WebAssembly NuGet package.

The Blazor WebAssembly package is currently in alpha preview. Alpha features are still in progress and may have bugs. We recognize the irony.

Add the Sentry dependency to your Blazor WebAssembly application:

dotnet add package Sentry.AspNetCore.Blazor.WebAssembly -v 4.8.0-preview.1

This package extends Sentry.Extensions.Logging. This means that in addition to the related Blazor WebAssembly features, you'll also get access to the ILogger<T> integration and other features available in the main Sentry SDK through this package.

Sentry integration with Blazor WebAssembly is done by calling .UseSentry() and specifying the options, for example:

var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);
builder.UseSentry(options =>
        options.Dsn = "";
        options.TracesSampleRate = 0.1;
        // When configuring for the first time, to see what the SDK is doing:
        // options.Debug = true;


// Captures logError and higher as events
builder.Logging.AddSentry(o => o.InitializeSdk = false);

await builder.Build().RunAsync();

This snippet includes an intentional error, so you can test that everything is working as soon as you set it up.

    throw null;
catch (Exception ex)

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